Thursday, February 19, 2009

Carl's Jr. Low Carb Burger

Miguel and I, as well as my Mom and Dad, are all trying to stay faithful to the low carb lifestyle. Over the Valentine's Day weekend we all went a little crazy and fell off the wagon. But we are back on with full force.

Just now, my Baby surprised me with bringing me the low carb burger from Carl's Jr. How sweet! It was really good just to see his face in the middle of the day. We both think it's really unfair that our jobs keep us away from each other during the day. We wonder why we can't just get paid to love each other. The most favorite part of our day is getting home and spending half an hour just kissing and cuddling and drinking each other's presence in as much as possible. Anyways, it was so nice and thoughtful of him to come by and bring me lunch since he knew I didn't take a lunch today. What a sweet husband I have! I'm so thankful.

I love you Baby. You are my life.

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